
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Social Music Player APP - Best Application to listen Your Musical Tastes

Posted by at 3:26 AM Read our previous post
If you like to listen to music and discover what other people listen to, this app is for you. In essence, SocialMusic is a peer-to-peer app that lets you browse music libraries, preview music, and get useful information on songs that interest you. You also get to learn a little bit about people who are sharing music of similar taste. Its easy to set your preferences. Simply type in your favorite musicians, and the app auto completes the name.

DISCOVERY: To see who’s listening to what kind of music, you can ilter by gender, age, and location. I like to go to the map, zoom out, and see what’s going on in Europe. I typically ind interesting music on phones far away. And as more people get Android phones around the world, this app will get better and better.

BROWSE SOMEONE’S LIBRARY: Once you find someone who is using SocialMusic and sharing music, you can connect to them and browse through their library. If you click on a song, you can choose to play a song preview, buy the song (Amazon mp3), or go to YouTube, Google, or Wikipedia for information about the song. This is peer-to-peer music on your phone.

This application provides the artist’s Mash-uped information from major social network services - Facebook, Twitter, and Google. And also you can find some artist’s discography and biography.

Included Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Coldplay, Rihanna, MUSE, ADELE, Madonna, Britney Spears, Cristina Aguilera, ONE DIRECTION, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Kanye West, Alicia Keys, The Black Eyed Peas, Underworld, David Guetta, The Chemical Brothers, Fatboy Slim, Namie Amuro, AKB48, RIZE, etc.


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